山东恩赛尔高分子材料有限公司(山东恩希尔化工厂)始建于1994年,其前身为鲁中医药原料化工厂。位于山东省淄博市张店区山泉路80号,厂区面积2万平方米,下设两个生产区,两个质检中心,一个高分子科研中心。现有职工168人,其中高级专业人员15人,大中专毕业生123人。现已成为省级科研、开发、生产、销售PVC塑料助剂一体的高新技术企业。 2005年与国内外丙烯酸酯类改性剂知名专家、学者合作研制了丙烯酸酯类ACR树脂-NSR系列产品。其主导产品有PVC加工改性剂、PVC发泡调节剂、PVC抗冲改性剂、MBS树脂、医药原料中间体,是目前鲁中地区PVC塑料助剂生产基地之一。 公司以先进的技术和完善的检测手段,谋求企业发展,以客户需求为引导,不断探索,潜心研究,开拓创新,以质量和诚信来赢得市场,产品畅销20多个省市自治区,为了更好的服务于客户,在多处设立了办事处和技术服务站。公司下属的博诺威进出口有限公司将产品远销欧洲、东南亚、南非、南美洲等地,受到国内外客户的一致好评。 “开拓创新,诚信求实”是山东恩赛尔高分子材料有限公司的发展宗旨,该公司引进先进的管理理念,深化企业内部管理,建立严格的质量检查检测机制.以稳定的产品质量、优良的产品性能,完善的售后服务,与境内外各界朋友携手共进,共创辉煌! | |
En Saier Polyrmer Materials Co. Ltd., Shandong (Shandong Ensier CHemical Plant) . a company developed from its precursor Luzhong Phamaceutical Raw Materials chemical Plant. was founded in 1994 It is located at N0.80 Shanquan Road. Zhangdian Dis-trict, Zibo City, Shandong Province. with a plant area of 20000 m2. The company is composed of two production areas. two quality inspection centers and one poly-mer scientific research center Currently. the company boasts a staff of 168 em-ployees. of whom 15 are senior specialists. 123 are graduates from universities and colleges. At present. the company has achieved a provincial-level hi-tech en-terprise integrated with scientific research. develctoment. producticn. sales of PVC plastic additives. In 2005. the company collaborated with domestically and internationallv renmned experts and scholars in the acrylic-ester mcd i fier industry in r & d of acrylic-es-ter acr resi n-nsr series products. the coffpany nav has l ead i ng products like pvc process i ng rmd i fier. pvc foaning control agent. p\tc inpacl mod i fier. mbsres i n and wedical material interwediates. etc. servina as the main production base of pvc plastic add itives in central shandong area. the company seeks developrrent bv vi rtue of advanced technologies and soph i st i cated inspect i on means.ins i sts cn exploration. research and innovat i on w ith the orien-tation of customer de~ands, gaining market shares by quality and integrity. the products enjoy an aclive derrnnd in rmre lhan 20 provinces. cities and aulonamus regions. and offices and technical service staticns are built in numerous lcca-tions so as to provide better service for customers. besides. the products have been exported to the europe. sautheas l as i a south africa and south amer i ca. etc. by the canpany' s subordinate bonuowei inport s export co.ltd., which are widely acclaimed by customer both home and abroad. En saier polymer materials co.Ltd.,shandong adopls "Exploration,innovation,Integrity and practice" as its tenet of develctoment. introduces advanced manage-ment philosophies,strengthens internal management of enterprise,and establishes stringent quality inspcction & supcrvision mechanism. making joint efforts with friends from all walks of life to set up glory together by consistent product qual-ity.superior product performance and consummate after-sale service. |